Friday, October 20, 2017

The History of the Name - Maroons.
Provided by Fran Coberley McNelly and Gary Allen

 For easier reading, click on this MHS 62 link.

The best way to read this is to check out this link to the history of the name Maroons - from the MHS 62 website. If you enlarge the type on that link, the article will be easy to read.

The graphic is by Gary Allen. The article was discovered by Fran Coberley McNelly during a lengthy debate on the MHS 68 Facebook page.

 The Class of 1968 is having its 50th reunion in 2018.
MHS 66 borrowed their logo - or did they borrow ours?
This mystery will be solved in 20 or so years.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blog Views - Over 260,000. Most Popular Post of All - Seventh Graders at Coolidge (Thanks Tim Ballard)

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We outlived Garfield Grade School, RIP,
now a coffee house for the Gashouse Gang.

 MHS Classmates are in this photo.
Can you name them?
They outlived the Hasty Tasty Food Shop.