Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Websites and Blogs Devoted to Moline and the Quad-Cities

Moline High School Alumni

Class of 1953

Class of 1957

Class of 1959

Class of 1959 Photo Album

Class of 1961

Class of 1962

Facebook, Class of 1965 Photos

Class of 1966 Reunion Blog

Class of 1967

Class of 1968

Class of 1969

Class of 1986

Class of 1996 Blog

QC Online

All Area High School Links

Quad-Cities: Moline, Rock Island, Davenport, Bettendorf

All About Moline - From Absolute Astronomy

Captain Ernie's Showboat

John Deere Attractions

Historic Scenes of Moline

Moline Memories - MHS 66 Friends

Moline School District

Blackhawk College

Augustana College

Augustana Heritage

Rock Island County Historical Society

QC Century of Progress

Rock Island County Geneology

Penny Postcards from Moline and Rock Island County

Food, Entertainment, Media




Web Cameras

Quad-Cities Online

QC Times

Quad-Cities Map

Progress 98

Superb Scrapbook of Moline Images

MHS 68 Scrapbook

Coolidge Anniversary, 1940-1965


  1. Greg,
    I don't remember you, and you probably don't remember me. But we were at MHS in the same stretch. Thanks for creating this blog. There isn't much I get nostalgic for, but the old radio stations are fun to remember. And when I came back for the '01 reunion, I hunted up a Maid-Rite. Couldn't find my favorite news rack, as the Campbell Hotel was gone. I hope you keep posting, and I'll keep reading.
    John Boland, Baltimore

  2. Ran across this site while researching other info and I am
    Hooked. Lois Davis Wilson, Norman, OK, Class of 1952
