Sunday, September 26, 2010

MHS 1965 Reunion Photos at Tim Wilder's Facebook Page

Here is the link for his 1965 reunion photos on Facebook.

Here are more photos on Facebook, same reunion.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Precious Little Information at the Moline Alumni Site

You could at least post a photo, son.

Some of us are using the alumni site linked here.

Only two of us from the class of 1966 have posted photos. Some people at this site are not on Facebook, so maybe the rest of us would like more information.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

David Coopman's Book on QC Aviation To Be Published in 2011

Dave Coopman's previous four books are about:

  1. KSTT
  2. WOC
  3. WQUA
  4. Rock Island County History.
The books are well researched and written with a depth of knowledge that all of us envy. I suggest getting some of them and learning about the area where we grew up or adopted as home.