Wednesday, October 17, 2012

MHS 66 - Ideas Sought for 65th Birthday Gathering

20th Reunion.

Judy Marsh Ramsay has asked, on behalf of the Reunion Committee, for ideas about the 65th birthday gathering planned for 2013.

Judy is on Facebook.

This is her FB link. 

This is her email contact:

You are welcome to contact anyone you know on the committee. I have a photo here somewhere.

Reunion committee.

Classmates are passing on to eternal life, so each gathering means a lot. It amazes me that classmates living in the Quad-Cities do not rouse themselves and come over for a visit. Some travel across the country to see everybody.

Martha Getz, RIP.

Jane Rosborough, Ann Paschall, and Martha Getz, 1963.

Hokey pokey or St. Vitus Dance at the 45th reunion.

The ladies are arranging more gatherings.
This one was in 2012.

My ideas:
I am making stops at Whitey's and Lago's. If we have some rough outline, so we are at the same place at the same time, that would be fun. Lago's was a blast at the 45th.

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