Monday, January 14, 2013

Hooked on Moline Memories.
The Moline Boys Choir Connection

Want to be General Counsel of State Farm Insurance?

How about being known as a beloved teacher and coach?

Lois has left a new comment on your post "Websites and Blogs Devoted to Moline and the Quad-...":

Ran across this site while researching other info and I am
Hooked. Lois Davis Wilson, Norman, OK, Class of 1952.


GJ - That is great Lois. Be sure to keep track on the Facebook Moline Memories page -

Or become a Whiffenpoof at Yale, a rocket scientist in California,
a United Nations staffer in Central America?

Then join the Moline Boys Choir.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

MHS 66 Ladies Will Gather in June for Several Events.
They Had a Great Time Previously.

Kym Dennhardt Whatley:

Attention! Attention! MHS '66 ladies lunch will be June 11th 2013 at the Windmill Restaurant East Moline 12:00 (noon). We have the back room so we can "do our thing! 

And, they have a bar! Don't miss, sign up today, we are going to rock the house! We are Moliners and True Dee will lead the singing!

Circa is Thursday June 13 - be there 11:30 for noon meal and 1 pm show !!

Contact Kym or Jorja, or one of the other leaders of this fandango, for reservations and information. 

They had a blast last time and many  classmates joined in the fun for the first time.

Eagle Photos from Mary Parsons Caisley

Mary reports that these photos were taken in Iowa. She gave permission to post them.