Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lawrence Eyre on The King James Version

 "I enthusiastically recommend The King James Version by Gregory L Jackson:

The King James Bible

Remains without peer among

English translations.

Beauty and truth sing

With unmatched clarity in

Stately cadences.

Gregory Jackson's book

The King James Version tells

The blessed story."

Lawrence Eyre, MHS 66, Yale College and Yale Divinity School

 The King James Version

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Happy 53rd Anniversary - And God's Blessings - John and Diana Robeson!

John and Diana Robeson were married on November 22nd, 1969.

John and Diana flew to the Golden Gate bridge.

They biked the Golden Gate bridge with their family.

John is one of two PhDs in math/science who were part of the experimental chem-physics class at Moline High, The Class the Stars Fell On. Note the Moline Memories editor almost comatose next to his long-suffering lab partner.

Alan Hoffman was the other PhD in chem-physics class. Here is Alan getting his Eagle Scout award with John Robeson.