Saturday, June 8, 2024

Did You Walk, Get a Ride, Take a Bus, Or Bike To Coolidge?


I started a Facebook page for my junior high - Calvin Coolidge - and one for my grade school - Garfield.

I gather photos where I can - many have helped. Facebook encouraged me to ask questions, so I posted for Coolidge - "How did you get to Coolidge?"

We have 1,500 members, so I thought a few might want to respond.

We have 1,100 responses to that question. One alumnus became quite disturbed that we listed various means, such as walking, riding a bike, or getting a ride in the family car. New members of the group tend to add to the list because it is often near the top.

  • One lawyer became very angry that we were discussing trivia. He probably missed the nostalgia of stores along the way, 
  • a book store, 
  • a laundry where we bought hot cocoa in the winter. 

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