Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dairy Queen History from Captain Ernie

Captain Ernie's Showboat Is One of the Best QC Websites.

Medd-O-Lane Dairy Stores
and The Historic Quad City
Dairy Queen locations

Dairy Queen's classic 5 Points Davenport Iowa location. Burned in the early 2000's and was not permitted to rebuild by the city. The outstanding ice cream cone blinker lights lit up the sky for miles. The picture below was listed as 326 11th Street, Bettendorf but appears to be the 5 points location mid 1960s.

Dairy Queen 326 11th Street, Bettendorf, Iowa.

Dairy Queen's 7th Street East Moline location. Opened in the 1950's, it changed to Dan's Dairy Kream in the mid 1960's. Notice the original Dairy Queen sign on top, now altered to spell Dan's Dairy Kream. The cow on top of the location was an East Moline icon.

Dairy Queen International Headquarters, East Moline, Illinois. Date Unknown.

Former Dairy Queen International Headquarters 2004, East Moline, Illinois.

Dairy Queen's International Headquarters, East Moline, Illinois early 1970s.

Rockingham Road and Concord in Davenport, Iowa Dairy Queen.

Medd-O-Lane Dairy Store 4th Ave, Moline, Illinois.

The historic Dairy Queen #2 on 4th Ave. in Moline, Illinois as it appears today.
Illinois side Dairy Queen locations taken from the 1951 city directory and the 1971 phone book;
2425 - 5th Ave., Rock Island
17th Ave & 7th Street, East Moline
4320 - 4th Ave., Moline (Dairy Queen #2)
536 West Highway 1, Milan
2724 - 23rd Ave., Moline
2117 - 11th Street Rock Island
3301 - 23rd Ave., Moline
Iowa side Dairy Queen locations taken from the 1955 city directory;

326 - 11th Street, Bettendorf
3002 Brady Street, Davenport
2006 Hickory Grove Road, Davenport
1401 E. Locust, Davenport
3027 Rockingham Road, Davenport
1046 State, Bettendorf

Medd-O-Lane Dairy Stores Moline, Illinois and Bettendorf, Iowa

DQ Whip-Cream bottle in the middle of these goodies! Medd-O-Lane was your place to go for the full line of Dairy Queen products plus Dairy Queen was located right outside the door in the same parking lot!

Notice the Hiland Potato Chips bags on the rack in the background.

The Classic 1960's neon Medd-O-Lane sign.

Gary & Jim Medd spot checking the pasteurizing equipment at Medd-O-Lane Dairy.
If you have pictures of the classic Quad Cities Dairy Queens, please click here to email me!

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