Sunday, March 28, 2010

Swedes in Moline

Wooden toys by this Moline company are now collectors' items.

I was looking up information about Vernon Strombeck, who was a regular at Melo Cream. I ran into a lot of information about the toy story. I was more familiar with his religious book store.

Trying to find out more, I found a downloadable book - Swedes in Moline. Many might find it worhtwhile, so I am linking it here.


  1. My Ginny Doll furniture all came from Strombeck's. It was beautifully made.
    A light colored wood. I had a wardrobe closet, a table and 4 chairs and bunk beds that came a part to make twin beds.

  2. Me too!!! My sister and I shared the bunk beds. I think she had the table and chairs and I had the wardrobe. It was all made as well as real furniture. Why or why didn't we keep them. I loved it all. I remember my folks referring to the store as Strombeck's. Thanks for the memories Greg.
    Kathy K
