Friday, January 22, 2010

Ich Bin Moliner:
Photos Needed

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Baker

One fellow student from grade school, junior high school, and MHS wrote, "We are Moliners."

I wrote back, "Ich bin Moliner."

Remember that speech by JFK? He had the German wrong, I am told. When he said, "Ich bin ein Berliner," he was really saying "I am a jelly-filled berliner." In contrast, "Ich bin Berliner" means "I am a Berliner." At least he didn't claim to be a Bismarck.

Photos from the early days of Moline are welcome. There are no other Moline blogs, and photos from Google are limited so far. They will not be soon, when this blog's photo's get on the Net.

There are three ways to share photos. I can easily copy your photos from Facebook, but you should tell me which ones you want to share.

Or you can send digital copies. I can crop and fix photos with PhotoShop. The photo above was taken only a few months ago. I used a new PS tool, called Time Machine TM. Just kidding. I can remove spots, tape marks, ex-friends.

Or you can send photos for me to scan and send back. If you do, please label each one.

You can write me via the comments. I don't publish comments that are personal messages, such as addresses, phone numbers, etc.

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