Monday, December 12, 2011

The Reunion Book Is Done.
Order a Printed Copy or Check Over the Free Download To Help Correct Errors

Ripped from the Pages of the 
1966 Reunion Book

These true stories--and more--can be found in the Moline High 1966 Reunion Book.

This is the free download link. John Robeson got me interested in Dropbox, which allows free downloads, without the need to install the software. But the free software is great for sharing large files.

Please help with captions and mistakes. Send corrections to or my main email address, which some of you know. It is the address.

This is where you can order the printed version, which I will continue to improve because of print-on-demand software.

The cost went up to $27.95 because the size doubled and it was far better with a full color interior. The book has 80 pages in it.

If there are photos from the reunion that you want added, send them to me with the caption. I can do that. I will make all the major changes and print a Christmas edition (see the title page).

Judy Marsh Ramsay gets the first copy because of all her work on the website. The website and Facebook were essential in putting together the biographies.

Kym and Josephine Schaeffer Johnson

Thank Kym Dennhardt Whatley for the project, because she kept insisting on a book, something we can keep. The website and book together will help a lot of people keep in touch and get to know each other again.

The reunion committee made the event happen.
 Reunion committee members include, in front from left, Bill Serandos, Dave Coopman and Jim Kron; middle row, Karen Sommers, Judy (Marsh) Ramsay, Delma (Winter) Reakes and Barb (Warfield) DeSmet; and back row, Jayne (Johnson) McDermott, True Dee (Giacomelli) Sorgen and Darlene (Gabriel) Katherman.

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