Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reunion Book - First Draft.
Time To Send Reservations for MHS 66 Reunion

Larry Easter (upper left) was in Linn County, after high school. I am posting this picture to help him remember to send his reservation.

The reservations should be mailed to the Reunion Committee, so they can get an accurate count for the festivities. We are looking forward to seeing old friends.

My wife Chris would not miss it for anything. She thinks the 1966 class is great. She often brags about it when she talks to her friends and relatives.

A lot of us are having fun on Facebook, keeping up daily contacts, admiring photos of grandchildren and pets.

I have a rough draft done of the reunion book. This way we can have a printed book to keep with photos and bios, past and present. The cover is better than I imagined, M madras on the front, a photo of the Mississippi on the back. The graphics I posted do not really show off how good it looks.

The current draft can be downloaded free here. Additions and suggestions are welcome.

The two biggest additions will be:
1. Current bios.
2. Reunion photos.
3. An improved list of accomplishments.
4. Better editing.

I am not going to publish more than you want in the bios. Contact information is best left on the reunion website, where people have to register to get at the list.

The best reunion photos are head and shoulder pictures, with readable name tags showing. Unlabeled photos are not much help. You can send me photos or I can get them from your FB pages.

The final edition can be bought as a printed book with a black and white interior, four-color cover. The PDF is available as a free download, and all color photos are the same inside. But there is no cover with the PDF, of course.

The only way to print color on the inside is to pay for all color pages, even when they are black and white. That is very expensive, especially since we were cutest in black and white, back in the 1950s.

Kym Dennhardt Whatley wanted this book done, so you can thank her for the constant urging.

Thanks to Print-On-Demand, the book can be edited and improved easily. I have done a dozen books this way, so it is second nature.

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