Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Will Produce a Reunion Book for the MHS 66 Reunion: Helpers Welcome

Kris Streed practices nursing skills on a brave but terrified Patty Puck.

I heard that a reunion booklet was too much trouble, but some of us think a booklet is a valuable treasure to keep. The fact is, some of us will not be around for the 50th. We used to take that sort of thing for granted, but we have lost too many friends to deny reality at this stage.

The reunion website is convenient and many will enjoy that. The reunion committee chose a good tool for that, and Judy Marsh Ramsey has done most of the work to get that going.

I publish with regularly. I can produce a reunion book, the size of a paperback, with a four-color color cover, for a reasonable cost.

If cost is a problem, the book will also be available as a free PDF download.

The book can be revised, expanded, and corrected easily.

I am producing a dummy cover at the moment. I will also have some content done for the inside, reserving 50% of the space for a list of Dave Coopman's most recent books about the Quad Cities.

Those who want to contribute their stories and memories to the book are welcome to do so.

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