Friday, October 28, 2011

Ready To Finish Reunion Book with Phase III - The Reunion Biographies

The last stage of the reunion book is an update on where we are as individuals. That will be up to each person to contribute.

I will contact each person through the reunion website messages, but you can also answer by writing to me at this email address:

What you contribute is up to you. Here are some ideas:
1. Personal and professional achievements.
2. Family information.
3. Favorite teacher or teachers in the Moline system.

I would like to list our own teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, business people, PhDs.

Do we have any great-grandparents?

I am going to put together a draft in a few weeks. Please check that for errors and omissions. The reunion book will be available to purchase in printed form or to download for free.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Moline - A Song for Mixed Choirs

Kris Streed Crawford, Linda Nelson Pearson, Chris Jackson, Greg Jackson
enjoyed the gathering at Lagomarcino's.

My Moline
Apologies to George Hamilton IV, author of  Abilene

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

I Facebook alone most every night
Watch them cars drive out of sight,
Wish that they were carryin' me
To my Moline, my old Moline.

Men’s Chorus:
My Moline, My Moline,
Prettiest girls that we ever seen,
They no longer treat us so mean
In our Moline, our old Moline.

Lonesome city, no treats for me
Lago’s, Whitey’s, or Chicken Dee,
Told my spouse that I should be
In my Moline, my old Moline.

Women’s Chorus:
We often cry, again and again,
How about those Moline men!
We sigh about what might have been,
In our Moline, our old Moline.

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

How I wish that day would come,
Take me back to hometown bums,
Take me where I come from
To my Moline, my old Moline.

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

Jim Medd solo:
Dairy Queen, Dairy Queen,
Medd brothers discovered vaccine,
They invented the Blizzard machine,
In their Moline, their old Moline.

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

Greg Jackson, Guy Johnson duet:
Franchise doughnuts rot the brain,
Krispy Kremes drive us insane.
Think we need a gourmet scene,
With Melocream, fresh Melocream.

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

Outside my group home cold rain falls
Sit here drawin’ on the walls.
If I were home, I’d be so keen
Back in Moline, my old Moline.

My Moline, My Moline,
Humidest town I ever seen,
Folks down there don’t treat you mean,
In my Moline, my old Moline.

Seasonal verse by Barbara Dodd Hawotte:
My Moline, My Moline,
Best little town for Halloween.
Trick-or-Treat even if you're a teen,
in my Moline, my old Moline.

GJ - After working on some reunion photos, I fell asleep and dreamt that the group at Lago's was singing this, so I had to finish it. I always thought that the song Abilene cried out for a Moline version.

Friday, October 14, 2011

In 1958, Salem Lutheran Church in Moline Took This Photograph of MHS 66ers. Known Facebook Denizens Are Highlighted

The people I know to be on Facebook are highlighted. Marsha Anderson Harvey - I overlooked her the first time. She is on Facebook too. She is in the sixth row, her late brother Dean below her and a bit to our right.

Those Were the Days My Friend,
We Thought They'd Never End.
Ken Berry, Leonard Nimoy, and Andy Griffith

Ken Berry had a hit show in Mayberry RFD in the late 1960s. He said Mayberry was just like the town he grew up in - Moline.
In Hollywood he was known as the nicest guy in show business.

Andy Griffith launched the pilot of Mayberry RFD with Ken Berry.

Weirdness: Leonard Nimoy encouraged Ken Berry to get into Hollywood 
when they were in the Army. 
Sgt Nimoy - can you digest that?

Ken Berry came to MHS during our senior year and appeared in the Line O Type.

A Modest Proposal for Annual MHS66 Gatherings

Some of us were discussing future gatherings, assuming a big one for our 50th anniversary gathering.

I asked the reunion committee to consider an informal gathering on an annual basis. A number of people seemed favorably disposed.

Many of us were happy to have a time when we could plan some small-group activities, such as a trip to Lago's, golfing, and a solo walk along the river.

The reunion committee, energized by their wildly successful 45th events, could set a date for 2012, like the 60th birthday party. We could have a picnic or whatever else is simple to set up. That way, people could plan to see a lot of their friends at once, since many of us travel a long way to Moline.

This assumes that not everyone could make it each year. Nor would everyone be expected to attend. But - with a fixed date, we can make plans for that and quietly encourage friends and relatives to avoid marriages, reunions, and crises during that time.

The annual gathering can easily be promoted with this blog, Facebook, and the MHS66 website. We might keep better track of each other with annual events, too.

One of our servicemen noted that his group's annual events drew together a number of wives in friendships. My wife had a great time this year and would not miss Moline reunions for anything.

I thought not.

Reunion Team

Karen Sommers, True Dee Giacomelli Sorgen, Jayne Johnson McDermott,
Darlene Gabriel Katherman, Delma Winter Reakes, Judy Marsh Ramsay.

2011 Reunion Dinner

Walt Karstens, Mark Bisbey, Stan Uskavitch, Brenda Gunnerson Uskavitch, Darlene Gabriel Katherman, and George Small's nose and arms..jpg
That could be Barb Warfield DeSmet's back.
Sharlene Carlson and Ross Blackburn are behind George's arms.

One from the 20th MHS66 Reunion,
Plus One from the 45th

Cindy Long, Jenal Venckus, and Judy Marsh Ramsay.
Note the reunion book.

Linda Dahlberg Kauzlaurich, Karen Patronagio Williams, Judy Marsh Ramsay, Judy Anderson.
The rough draft of the 45th reunion book is on the table.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nails Illustrate The Class the Stars Fell On

Kym Dennhardt Whatley had her nails done for the reunion -
The Class the Stars Fell On.

The Judy Marsh Dancers of 1954

Ed Eden (left) Judy Marsh Ramsay and unknown.

Who can forgive forget our parents enrolling us in dance class and taking cute photos of us in precious costumes?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some Friends Gather - Long Ago

Cheryl Weime Dubbs, Karen Patronagio Williams, Steve Petersen, Paul McIntosh, Judy Anderson, Linda Salmon Musich, Linda Dahlberg Kauzlaurich, Judy Marsh Ramsay

More Pre-Reunion Dinner Photos

Tom Gramkow was at Casey's.

Sassy Sue looked up and down the Mississippi River
for the Moline river-walkers.

Chris Jackson dressed for dinner,
waiting for the group to gather and go to party central.

Greg Jackson, ditto, at the Comfort Inn.

John Boland's Latest Book

John Boland Publishers Weekly gave a starred review to my new novel, Hominid. It's at Amazon; official pub date is Oct. 15.

Publisher's Weekly Review of Hominid, A Novel by John C. Boland:

At the start of this superior science fiction thriller from Boland (Out of Her Depth), archeologist David Isaac arrives on Chesapeake Bay’s Ewell Island, once occupied by people driven out of the Maryland colony in 1670, to help his mentor, Noel Sprague. Sprague, the expedition’s leader, hopes to unearth three coffins containing members of one of the island’s first families, who were suspected by their contemporaries of being Satanists. Tragedy strikes after Roberta Gerson, a well-liked young scientist “developing a specialty in Colonial village life,” is lost in a suddenly flooded excavation pit. When the receding waters allow Isaac to go below, he finds evidence that Gerson’s death was no accident. Meanwhile, a dogged investigator from the National Institute of Science probes the organization behind the expedition, the shadowy St. Leger Foundation. Boland’s taut atmospherics, especially in the scenes set on Ewell Island, are top-notch, and the evolutionary themes he explores are easily accessible to nonscientists. (Oct.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moline Memories - MHS 66 Friends: The Dairy Queen Legend Involving Moline: And My Small Part

Anonymous [Jim Medd, MHS66] has left a new comment on your post "Casey's Gathering on Friday Night, September 30, 2...":

The Moline DQ references in this article, Mildred's ice creamery, was owned and operated by my grandfather and grandmother, CR and Mildred Medd. The store was across the street from Wheelocks Drug store and four doors up from present day Casey's! The first DQ store in Moline was opened by CR Medd in 1941 on 4 th Ave. This store set the standard for the famous flat top DQ store design. Medd's , Duke's, and Noble's were names spoken of often during the early years, not much on McCollughs!

The Medd brothers, Dick, Ralph, Ronnie, all from Moline, designed and have the patent on the Blizzard DQ machine and in particular the mixing blade. International DQ found out about the candied malts being made at the Moline DQ's when the brothers took the candied malt mixing machine to the St. Louis, Missouri DQ convention in the mid 1970s. IDQ signed agreements with the Medd brothers for the rights to use the machine, now being built by Duke and Sons, East Moline. Also, the first mint Dilly Bar came from a Moline DQ store in 1977/1978. Moline has history!

Jim Medd

Moline Memories - MHS 66 Friends: The Dairy Queen Legend Involving Moline: And My Small Part:

left to right - Homer Jackson, H. Noel, Candace, the Blogger, Gladys.
I date this around 1949, since I was born in late 48.

After a few years, however, Grandpa McCullough was still thinking about soft ice cream, and he convinced his son that they should find out whether or not the product would capture people's tastebuds. They asked one of their customers, Sherb Noble, if he would arrange a special offering of soft ice cream at his store in Kankakee, Illinois. With an advertisement of 'All you can eat for 10 cents,' the sale was held in early August 1938. Using an ordinary commercial batch freezer, the men put the soft ice cream into five gallon containers and then hand-dipped the product into 16-ounce cups. In two hours, Noble and the McCulloughs dished out over 1,600 servings. A short time later, another sale of soft ice cream was offered at Mildred's Ice Cream Shop in Moline. The response from the public was the same. With such overwhelming success, the McCulloughs began searching for the type of freezer that would make dispensing soft ice cream a reality. Funding Universe


Ice cream manufacturers have always known that ice cream tasted best when it was "soft frozen" at approximately 23º F. When ice cream was served at near 0º F, it would numb the taste buds, making the product less flavorful. Ice cream manufacturers also knew that if there was ever going to be a way to serve a "soft frozen" product to the public, a new kind of freezer would have to be invented.

In 1938, near Moline, IL, two ice cream manufacturers, J.F. "Grandpa" McCullough and his son, Alex, decided to find out how the public would react to a "soft frozen" ice cream product.

The McCulloughs enlisted the help of one of their customers - Sherb Noble who owned an ice cream retail shop in Kankakee, IL. They decided to have a sale. They called it the "All the ice cream you can eat for only 10 cents" sale. The sale was held on August 4, 1938. They dished out over 1,600 servings in about two hours, and people were lined up and down the block. The McCulloughs now knew that the idea of selling a "soft frozen" product to the public had a lot of potential. Now, all they needed was to develop a freezer that could continuously dispense a "soft frozen" product.

The solution to their freezer problem came when "Grandpa" McCullough saw an ad in the Chicago-Tribune which advertised a "continuous freezer that dispensed frozen custard". The ad was placed by Harry M. Oltz of Hammond, IN, who owned a patent on his machine. The McColloughs and Oltz got together and on July 31, 1939, signed the Agreement that would launch an industry.

The McColloughs obtained the manufacturing rights to the Oltz patent. However, the Oltz Freezer was crude and difficult to operate because it used ice and salt to freeze the ice cream chamber. The McCulloughs knew that a freezer needed to be built which would incorporate mechanical refrigeration. So, in the fall of 1939, the McCulloughs proceeded to have a prototype freezer built that would incorporate mechanical refrigeration.

In January 1940, the prototype freezer was ready and was installed in "Grandpa" McCullough's basement for testing. It was during this time that "Grandpa" McCullough discovered that "soft frozen" ice cream dispensed by this new freezer tasted best when it had only 5 percent butterfat rather than the standard 10 percent or more butterfat used for regular ice cream. In fact, this newly developed "soft frozen" product was not ice cream at all, but rather ice milk. The experiments also concluded that the new "soft frozen" ice milk would taste creamier, smoother, and would hold its shape best when served at 18º F.

By Spring of 1940, the McCulloughs had finished their testing and then ordered four freezers to be built to their new specifications. The first two machines were finished in May 1940 and were slated to go to Sherb Noble who had found a location in Joliet, IL, to start the new business which would serve the new "soft frozen" ice milk. The store was jointly owned by the McCulloughs and Noble but the new business could not open its doors until it had a name.

Since "Grandpa" McCullough had always referred to the cow as the "Queen of the Dairy Business," and consequently, referred to his "soft frozen" product as the "Queen of Dairy Products," it was decided to call the store and the product Dairy Queen. The Joliet store opened on June 22, 1940. The second store opened in Moline, IL, on April 1, 1941 and a week later, the third store (Sherb Noble's second) opened in Aurora, IL. World War II sharply curtailed the expansion of Dairy Queen. In fact, at the end of the war in 1945, there were only eight Dairy Queen stores in operation.

Today, there are over 5,600 Dairy Queen stores throughout the world. In addition to Dairy Queen soft-serve products, some Dairy Queen stores also offer the "Brazier" line of hot foods. However, Dairy Queen is still the largest seller of "soft frozen" dessert products in the world. (Source - Florida DQ)


In 1948, Axene arranged for 35 store owners and territory operators to meet in Minneapolis with the purpose of establishing a national organization. In December of the same year, the first official meeting of the newly incorporated Dairy Queen National Trade Association (DQNTA) was held in Davenport, Iowa. Organized as a not-for-profit corporation, with C.R. Medd as its first president, national offices were soon established in the city.


A very popular Dairy Queen treat today is the Blizzard Treat, which is ice cream with pieces of cookies, brownies or candy blended in. It has been a staple on the menu since its introduction in 1985, a year in which Dairy Queen sold 175 million Blizzards.[4]. The Blizzard was invented and copyrighted by Richard, Ronald, and Ralph Medd of Iowa. It is traditionally served upside down to prove the thickness.

This enlargement shows that while others were posing with a cone, I was pursuing it.


Brenda Roggendorf commented on your link:

"Hi Greg, H C Duke & Sons of East Moline are the makers of the Dairy Queen Machines. For years my son was one of the welders that helped make the machines. "


GJ - Jim Medd, MHS 66, worked at the family Medd-O-Lane. A classmate says he ran one before moving to Florida. Details are welcome.

We can be doubly proud of DQ's Moline connection and the Blizzard's origin in our fair city.

MHS Hall of Fame potential? I think so. Our family loves to go there and it is an American institution.


The pursuit of ice cream continues:

'via Blog this'

Flashback - 20th Reunion Photo from Judy Marsh Ramsay

Ann Paschall, Jenal Venckus, Judy Anderson, and JoAnn Enburg.
The Oxford English Dictionary calls this a wedge of swans.

Dave Coopman Wondered Who Had the Fight Song First,
Plus Fight Song Trivia and Bruce Harter, MHS66


Moliner gets job Cubbage wanted Posted Online: June 25, 1997, 1:00 am

By Leon Lagerstam

Staff writer

A Moliner got the job as school superintendent in Fort Myers, Fla., after all.

Bruce Harter, 49, an administrator from Corvalis, Ore., was chosen from among five finalists for the superintendency of Lee County Schools in Fort Myers, as reported earlier this month.

One of the finalists for the job was Diana Cubbage, who resigned as Moline's superintendent in March.

Mr. Harter was born in Moline and grew up on 42nd Street and 20th Avenue. He graduated from Moline High School in 1966.

"Life is full of ironies and coincidences,'' he said in a telephone interview earlier this week from Oregon. "Unexpected things happen all the time. It's all about living in the world. For example, you never know when you might run into someone from your hometown or bump into someone you used to know.''

Mr. Harter and Ms. Cubbage met briefly at a school board meeting in Florida during the hiring process.

"I threatened to sing the Moline Fight Song to her,'' he said. "She thought it was pretty funny because of how ironic it was we were both in the running.'' What would have been more ironic is if Mr. Harter would have replaced Ms. Cubbage as the Moline superintendent, according to Kathleen Trevor, who graduated from Moline with Mr. Harter and organizes the class reunions he has been unable to attend.

"Bruce would have been a real asset,'' Ms. Trevor said Tuesday. "It's really our loss.''

His success doesn't surprise her a bit, she said. "Bruce's personality was always charming and outgoing. He was the kind of person who made you feel real comfortable. He always involved himself in things and he treated everyone equally.'' After graduating from Moline, Mr. Harter attended Gustavus Adolphus College and later the University of Michigan. He remembers Moline as a wonderful place to grow up and said the education he received prepared him well. "However, the only work I could find was painting fire hydrants for the public works department in the summer of 1970,'' he said.

Instead, he became a teacher for an inner city school in Detroit. "I soon found out I was in over my head and took a year or so off and worked in hospitals,'' Mr. Harter said.

He returned to education in Michigan, where he taught, coached football and wrestling, and eventually moved into administration. His career in education has taken him to Iowa, Colorado, California and Oregon. Florida is next.

He said he may have considered applying for the Moline superintendent position if the timing had been different.

When Ms. Cubbage was hired about three years ago, Mr. Harter had been in Corvalis only a couple years and did not think the timing was right. It might be hard to be superintendent in your hometown, but it would have been fun, he said.

Instead, he will start his job in Fort Myers July 21. He was given a three-year contract with an annual salary of $100,000. He will oversee 51,000 students attending 67 schools in the Lee County district.

Mr. Harter is married to Lee Anna Hedges, whom he met in California. They have three kids, Dan, 20, Susie, 16, and Kyla, 8. Although his parents moved from the Quad-Cities to Arizona several years ago, he still has many cousins, aunts, uncles and friends in the Quad-Cities.

He said he's noticed wherever he's gone that young people always complain about having nothing to do. "And nobody seems to want to be around their hometown, until they realize the importance of the foundation it provides.''

Casey's Epic Gathering

Cynthia Christopherson and Debbie Mitchell Gahan demonstrated a safe but effective form of lip-plumping.
Nancy Rokohl (?), Claudia Cunningham Greenleaf, Lane Gans, Sherry Greer
Ed Eden

Casey's Gathering on Friday Night, September 30, 2011

Barb Warfield DeSmet and Rex Bullock
Darlene Gabriel Katherman and Mike Matalik
Mike Johnson (left) Josephine Schaeffer Johnson, and Jerry Lucas

Wilson Junior High Debuts on Moline Memories

Front Row: Denise Hoover; Judy Marsh; Sue Dunlap; Jill Welch; Marie Holevolt.
Second Row: Susan Conrath; Linda Marks; Maryann Grimes; Carolyn Roberts; Bev Briesch
Third Row: Linda Mize; Linda Hensley; _________; Peggy Hoobler; Jackie Wood.
Back Row: Joyce Brown; Linda Walline; Judy Bergstrom; Dawn Woodard; Sherry Kelly; Barbara May; Cindy LaMarr; Sheryl Morris; Peggy Gillette; Cathy Combs; Janice Noble; Linda Marshall; Madolyn Lyman; _____; _____; Ann Irwin; ________.
Back Row right side - Ruth Durham, Marilyn Rue, Ann Irwin.

Standing on Ann Irwin's left is the teacher, Eileen German.

Hot Fudge Sundaes and Green Rivers at Lagomarcino's, Moline High 1966 Reunion

Back row: Cynthia Christopherson, Alan Hoffman, Debbie Mitchell Gahan and her twin in the mirror.
Foreground, starting on the leftBeverly Epplin Wagner's back, Kathy Colburg, Pam Nystrom Sims, Barb Dodd Hawotte, 
and Kris Streed Crawford.

Linda Nelson Pearson and Chris Jackson's hands.

Beverly Epplin Wagner (l.) and Kym Dennhardt Whatley

We had a great time at Lagomarcino's - my first time inside. Fortunately there were no initiation rites to endure. This was a great idea, and I hope we have many more small group gatherings at the next one.

I am voting for a 65th birthday party in two years.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Second Version of the Reunion Book Published

Sassy Sue is the unofficial mascot of our class.

Order the Second Version of the Reunion Book Here. changed their approach, so this is an e-book or PDF that will cost $1.24. The free PDF at is the old version, so do not bother to get that one.

Thanks to John Robeson, I have a way to link the second version for free. 

Click on this Dropbox link for a free download.

This version has all the reunion photos that I had on hand. I am happy to include more if you send them to me or post them on my Facebook page.

I improved the captions, but we still have a few unknowns. Let me know and I will fix those captions.

The third version will include what you send to me to publish. I will send everyone an email via the reunion website. I will include those responses and improve the pictures and captions as much as possible.

I expect to finish this in about two weeks, depending on how fast people respond. If I do not hear from you soon, I will assume you do not want updates posted. Nevertheless, I can fix the final version easily, correcting errors and adding information and photos.

Homecoming: 1965 and 2011 -
Lawrence Eyre and Lane Gans

The thrones for homecoming king and queen were set up,
so Lawrence Eyre and Lane Gans sat down for a photo.

They closed their eyes and remembered being crowned 46 years ago,
the cheers and applause, the brightly lit auditorium.

Reprise: Moline Boys Choir

Can you find Linda Nelson Pearson's son Troy?