Monday, October 10, 2011

Hot Fudge Sundaes and Green Rivers at Lagomarcino's, Moline High 1966 Reunion

Back row: Cynthia Christopherson, Alan Hoffman, Debbie Mitchell Gahan and her twin in the mirror.
Foreground, starting on the leftBeverly Epplin Wagner's back, Kathy Colburg, Pam Nystrom Sims, Barb Dodd Hawotte, 
and Kris Streed Crawford.

Linda Nelson Pearson and Chris Jackson's hands.

Beverly Epplin Wagner (l.) and Kym Dennhardt Whatley

We had a great time at Lagomarcino's - my first time inside. Fortunately there were no initiation rites to endure. This was a great idea, and I hope we have many more small group gatherings at the next one.

I am voting for a 65th birthday party in two years.

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