Saturday, January 16, 2010

In the Beginning

Above is possibly the earliest known picture of me. My mother, Gladys Parker Jackson, is holding my older sister and brother. I could be on the way, but I am not sure. Homer Jackson, my father, is revealed in the shadow on the bottom of the shot. He always wore a hat outside. Behind is Wharton Field House, which my father helped build as a laborer. The street behind is 23rd Avenue. Visible is the home of Kathleen Wilcox' grandparents.

This is the Moline I remember. This is why people told me I was lucky:

  1. You live across from the Field House? You never have to worry about where to park the car.
  2. You can walk to Whitey's?
  3. Your mom is a teacher and your dad makes doughnuts.

Across 18th Street A lived Ken, Linda, and Betty Wiley. Linda was a classmate. When they split the streets for going to one junior high or another, I went to Calvin Coolidge and her side got to stay at John Deere for 8th and 9th grade.

Darlene Gabriel and her sister lived across the alley.

A few houses away, on 23rd Avenue, Tom and Rick Hansen lived. One of my father's 8 mm films shows Tom, Darlene, and me playing in our backyard.

Our parents knew each other from parents' meetings, visiting each other, and saying hello at all the local stores.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, Greg! I am not sure if you remember me from High School but I also graduated in 1966. These pictures and memories really took me back. I miss the good old days and facinate my grandchildren with stories from my childhood. It was a great time to be a kid in Moline.
    Cindy Long Laughead
