Monday, February 1, 2010

The Milk Man and the Iowana Princess


The milk man delivered milk and other wholesome products to homes on his route. I do not remember glass bottles, but cardboard cartoons.

Many people have fond memories of Iowana Dairy Farms and the Iowana Princess.

Milt Boyd played Trader Milt
and Grandpa Happy.
Remember - comments are moderated!


  1. Iowana used to have an ice cream store right across the bridge in Bettendorf. On hot summer nights we would put the top down on the car and take a ride to Iowana for a "double-double". For the uninitiated that is a chocolate soda with chocolate ice cream. Why is it that all my memories of Moline revolve around food? We had Curly from Midvale Dairy deliver our milk every Monday and it was in glass bottles placed lovingly into our red milk box by the back door. My Dad got two bottles of whole milk and my Mom and I shared a bottle of Vical which came in a brown bottle. It was a vile skim milk that I was forced to drink (because it is good for you) and to this day I cannot even look at a glass of milk without becoming nauseous.

  2. We got our milk from Baker's Dairy and I fondly remember the glass bottles and getting the milk at the back door of our home at 1319-25th Avenue. However, I would not knowingly drink the milk that had frozen. My mother, however, did what she could to conceal that fact for me.

  3. Milt BOyd was so much fun. He played Fagan in Oliver in my first Quad City Music Guild production. He was so good....My father , who did a number of parts including Max in SOund....tried out for it but didn't have a chance against Milt. ...Michael Collins

  4. My Father was a Iowana Dairy Milk man, I have fond memories of him getting up very early in the morning having to go on his deliveries. He worked there until they closed and then went to work for Medow Gold Milk.
